Coronavirus (COVID-19): will we get through?

This week died the first person in Guatemala due to Coronavirus (covid-19). At least the initial measures the country has taken were good, to mention a few:

  • Banning foreigners, from countries with severe infections, to enter the country.
  • Sports and entertainment events are cancelled.
  • Schools are suspended.
  • Holy Week events are also suspended, also religious congregations (in person) aren’t allowed.
  • Public transportation was suspended in the whole country.
  • Most of the government activities are suspended. Private sector also should suspend activities, unless its food or cleaning related.
  • Other business could continue if they comply with the new health code related to this pandemic and they provide transportation aid to their employees.
  • In social media people are also urging others to stay at home, do remote working, and avoid contact whenever possible.
  • Also should be noted that the government has been doing a great job transmitting the measures taken. Not everything have been received well, but this is way better than the previous president. Its even calling out people to not fall for disinformation via social media.

But would that be enough? Will the people stay home or avoid contact as much as possible?

  • Guatemala is a poor country, most of the labor force doesn’t have any savings, so they are forced to “live by the day”, that’s it to earn nay money to buy food for the same day. Its unrealistic that these people will stay at home.
  • In the country, business owners are know to not comply with many of the labor laws; as the government is very slow with the labor inspections. So asking their employees to come to work (or be fired if they don’t) in the middle of pandemic crisis and while the public transportation is suspended, is not even surprising:
  • Those of us who can stay at home, we’re very privileged. The rest of the labor force will continue to risk being exposed to the virus, as long as there is not a clear ban to non-essential activities.
  • Whats worried some is that after 48 hours without new cases, the government is starting to downplay the severity of this disease. I believe we are way early to say such things.

We can only hope that it gets contained somehow, and for the world powers to develop cheap treatments or vaccines.

No doubt this is going to be a hard year, very likely the recession is upon us. This pandemic will be remembered by many.

To watch:

Vox published a few videos that are very informative about the COVID-19 disease:


Why Are Poor Countries Poor?

This short video by John Green perfectly explains why for a banana republic is very difficult to stop being “poor”. In Guatemala you will see the same: The capital has somewhat good infrastructure and luxuries (for a third world country, that’s it), while rural areas are nowhere near; child malnutrition, unemployment, crime, bad or even no infrastructure are very common out side of Guatemala City.

Así se “ve” un temblor desde Twitter

Siempre que hay un sismo, como el de hoy en Guatemala, se viene una avalancha de tweets repitiendo hablando del mismo. Esta es una gráfica del timeline generado por usuarios de Guatemala en Twitter:

Tweets por minuto durante el temblor en Guatemala
(clic para agrandar)

El conteo de tweets está en intervalos de 10 minutos. El máximo llegó hasta 87 tweets entre las 9:40 y 9:50, hora en la que se sintió el sismo, luego baja hasta un promedio de 15 tweets. Sube de nuevo hasta 29 tweets, cuando sucedió un segundo sismo a las 13:38.

PD: El timeline es siguiendo a +/-330 usuarios que se identifica como en Guatemala en Twitter, no use la geolocalización de Twitter ya la mayoría aún no envía tweets con coordenadas GPS.

Cierran el caso contra @jeanfer

@jeanfer, el twittero usuario de twitter que fue arrestado por causar “pánico bancario”, ha sido absuelvo de los cargos en su contra según resolvió un tribunal. El mismo @jeanfer ha confirmado esta noticia:

Saludos Twitters, Confirmado, el dictamen indica la falta de merito y revoca la resolucion anterior – #

Mi libertad ha vuelto hoy, toca seguir procedimientos legales establecidos pero han declarado falta de meritos. – #

Oscar compartió una grabación de esta noticia en radio Sonora.

Aún cuando el Ministerio Público puede reabrir el caso, esperemos que no sean tan caraduras para insistir más con esto.

Acceso a desde Guatemala resuelto

Así como este “fallo” en el acceso a inició, así ha terminado sin razón alguna, al menos con la mayoría de proveedores locales.

  • Creo que nunca sabremos si realmente era un fallo técnico (de varios proveedores a la vez!) o había/hay alguna otra cosa detrás, simplemente todo son rumores.
  • Al menos en el caso de mi proveedor actual creo que nunca había recibido tantos reportes de problema de acceso a “un sitio” en particular (al menos por lo que me comentó la gente de soporte). Queda un precedente de si vuelve a “pasar” algo similar.
  • La situación actual del país (y de Latinoamericana en sí) favorece mucho a que surjan novelas, digo teorías conspiratorias de grandes jeques moviendo sus hilos… fue entretenido leerlas, y ojalá se queden en teorías.
  • Fue un buen ejercicio para saltarse “los filtros” del ISP: Proxies, TOR, VPN’s, Mirror’s. Personalmente, ahora creo que mi VPN vale su precio.

Si sirve de algo este es el traceroute desde mi enlace hacia
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