“Hades” by Supergiant Games

I haven’t played many games in the last years, but darn it, “Hades” deserves all the praise. Once again Supergiant Games originality and brilliance shines, from the trailer art style you might remember their past games like Bastion and Transistor.

So whats great about Hades? Most RPG loot-grind games quickly get boring after you have beaten the final boss, but in Hades the superb story telling, based on Greek mythology, makes you engaged and wanting to continue grinding to discover whats next in the each plot line. Its nice to recall the ancient history lessons.

And surprisingly, the story is huge! I’ve played almost 70 hours, and there is a lot still to be grinded. I liked how different the play styles are according to the weapon you chose, and yet how challenging becomes because your booms (the powers given by Olympian Gods to help you escape from the Underworld) are randomly given.

I’m favorite character is obviously Cerberus, how no to love the three headed boy.

If you haven’t played Hades, you’re definitely missing out. Worth it the full price (25 USD).

PS: I’m super fan of their soundtracks, super recommended to watch/listen their Orchestral show.